• Interview a few different real estate agents
  • Ask about their experience
  • Ask how their process would work
  • Ask how they get paid

Below is a transcript of the full video for your convenience

Hi I’m Jeff Kropp with the Homebuyer Agents here today to give you four quick tips on how to hire your own buyer agent.

Tip number one is interview a few buyer agents. You want to establish a comfort level with that agent. You want to ask them a little bit about their experience, things like that.

Which leads to tip number two. Ask about their experience. How many years have they been a buyers agent? Where do they primarily serve? Where do they live? How many buyers do they typically represent each year? How many buyers do they have right now? You want to see if they have enough time for you as well as enough experience to deal with the things that may come up at your purchase.

Tip number three. You want to sit down and ask them how the process would work if you hired them. How do they communicate? If you send them a text message are they going to answer it right away. If you leave them a voicemail will they call you back by the end of the day. What is their preferred method of communication? T

ip number four is how do they get paid? You want to make sure that in most cases they’re just getting a commission check at your closing. Its usually 2 ½ percent of the final sale price. Along with that, do they have an agreement?

Typically in Illinois they would have some sort of an agreement in writing. You want to get a blank copy of that, take it home with you, ask any questions about that agreement before you sign it, before you hire the buyer agent. So those are four great tips about how to start the buying process and hire the best agent for you. I’m Jeff Kropp and we’re the Home Buyer Agents.